This is a quick product update to announce that after many requests, SpellBox is now available on Windows (beta)!
Moreover, it can now write
Excel Formulas
.Just like the different programming languages available on SpellBox, simply pick "Excel" on the dropdown menu and enter the problem that you need a formula for (see gif below).

If you already have a license for SpellBox, head over to: to re-download the app.
Otherwise, feel free to buy one at $30 instead of $60 through January.
The first 20 people who use the code SPELLBOXD10 get an additional $10 off, so pay $20 instead of $60 😌!
Should you you have any question, please feel free to reach out, I'll be happy to help you.
Also, if you have feedback or features requests, please add them here so that the community can vote!